Property Development

The ComNet Realty team develops retail, office and industrial properties throughout Florida and nationwide. These developments are performed either by ComNet Development, Inc., with a joint venture partner, or as a fee based consultant.

Our goal is to meet our clients or the market needs that will ultimately occupy the developed property. The brokerage expertise and market studies performed by ComNet Realty, Inc. enables us to best understand the product and desired tenant mix. We desire to initially work backwards on a project by first understanding the needs and designing to meet them.

Our in-house architecture and design enables us to plan a project timely and cost effectively. Our design and land development consultants are seasoned professionals in their fields. We require them to be familiar with the codes and processes of the municipalities we develop within.

We work with qualified, bondable general contractors local to the property to ensure quality and reliability. Developing in Florida and throughout the nation can be very challenging. With over 20 years of Florida development success, we understand the nuances of each project and diligently proceed to ensure completion.

Boca Commerce Center

Boca Commerce Center

A 327 acre mixed use park which included 400,000 square feet of industrial distribution warehouses, 30,000 square feet of office space, plus vacant office, industrial and hotel land sales.

Mattress Giant, Boca Raton

Mattress Giant

The first free-standing retail store for the 200+ store chain. Along with senior management, we developed a prototype store that has been repeated over 20 times nationwide. Other stores developed by ComNet Development, Inc. are in Houston, Dallas, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Boston, Rhode Island and Minneapolis.

Carl’s & LaZ Boy, Boca Raton

Carls Patio

Two premier free-standing retail showroom galleries on a two acre site. We subdivided the properties so that each retailer could own their property.

Tire Kingdom, Boca Raton

McDonald’s, Coconut Creek
